Bridge School Benefit: October 20, 1996
Mountain View, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre
lineup: Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Pearl Jam (5), David Bowie, Patti Smith, Cowboy Junkies, Hayden
surprise guests: Bonnie Raitt, Billy Idol

Pearl Jam Set:
Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
Off He Goes
Daughter (The Real Me) (Noise of Carpet)
Around The Bend

Notes: I let out quite a loud yelp when Pearl Jam started "Porch," as it's my all-time favorite song to see them perform live, and it's SO different from the slower, mellower stuff that makes up most of their sets at Bridge, year after year.

Billy Idol's appearance was unexpected for me.  I can't recall what I thought of him at the time, but I know he got a strong, positive reaction from the crowd.  Five years later, he'd be back at Bridge as a regular part of the lineup, and I think I ended up enjoying him more than Pearl Jam because of how much the audience got into his performance.

(May 11, 2010)


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